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  • Palestinian Children: What are they being Taught?

    Jews, Israel, and Peace in the Palestinian Authority Textbooks

    Teach Kids Peace

    Junior Jihadists

    Sowing Seeds of Hatred: Islamic Textbooks Scapegoat Jews, Christians

    The Building Blocks of Hate [pdf]
    “Smiley,” a Moslem convert to Christianity, writes to us from Israel in early July 2005:

    Hi dear nice and lovely people.

    How much God uses us, how much we serve HIM and how much we are close to HIM ?

    I have a friend is called (N) he works with someone in our area, they have other Russian man works with them, this Russian man, came from his country without parents, sisters, brothers or even friends, he was lost here and involved with drugs and alcohol, and he was in the jail more that one time.

    This man met Moslem people here and he live with a Moslem family now for many months already if not more.

    The family helped him, treated kindly with him and gave him a job with the friend who I know.

    The Russian (Alex) is thinking to convert to the Islam, because he has no family or community except this Moslem family.

    Alex and brother N and my friend (F) always talk about Alex situation and about his new coming to the Islam.

    Brother N talked about me with F, and then F smiled and said to Alex, be careful, Smiley is dangerous, it was in joking between themselves in the work place, but F used to describe as a danger if Alex talks to me, and it was for several times.

    Finally, last few days, brother N called me and said that he is coming to me with other guy, I said you are very welcome, but I did not know who that guy will be.

    When they came, introduced each to other, Alex talked to me in Arabic, I thought he is Arab guy.

    We kept talking and brother N told me that Alex works with him and F, then I asked Alex: and you that want to convert to the Islam ?

    He answered proudly, yes but I have to quit drinking alcohol before going to the mosque.

    I commented, ok nice, but do you know Alex, I'm from Moslem background, and one day I was invited to go some congregation in Tel Aviv, I found and met Jewish, Arab and Christians people from many countries, I felt that every body there love each other and all of them just paise the Lord, and I'm so happy to meet like this kind of people and added to Alex : if you come with me to that congregation I'm sure you will love the people there (and) you don't have to except anything you don't like.

    Alex said ok, but I'm not ready to go there because I still drink alcohol, I told him : God loves you even if you drink, smoke or with any sin and HE Is waiting for you to come to HIM, no body can prevent or refuse you to come to the Congregation.

    I told him : you looking for to convert to Islam because you don't have community or any other direction, right? He said, yes. I asked him about his last religion, his mother is a Christian and the father is half of Jew, he said : I suffered in Russia as a Jew and I'm suffering here as a Russian, I said: I suffered also but I seeked God.

    I told hem: you need to come with me just to feel the LOVE of God.

    He excepted the invitation, and then he asked : why F said that you are dangerous, and he added : when F said that about you (myself) for several times and warned me from visiting or meeting you, I did want to know and meet you and to know what danger you are.

    I smiled wide smile as you know my smile and asked him : how much I'm dangerous you found me ? He said: I'm so glad and happy to meet you and I should come to meet you before.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I'm leading Alex to the Lord well as I led others before him, but I feel I have a risk to take Alex from the mouth of the loin, that Moslem family is preparing him to go to the mosque, but I don't know what will happen when they know or see him refuses continue going in their way to the Islam.

    I feel I need your prayer and ask for my protection, the Lord touched my hear concern Alex and I want keep leading him, but I ask and need HIS Protection.

    Pray and pray and pray for me please, as myself, my family and my ministry.

    Thank you so much and God bless you.

    In the Christ,
