July 2, 2010 - Washington, DC July 2, 2010 6:29PM EST
July 2, 2010 - Washington, DC
Obama OK with Saudi hate crimes / Obama's "moderate" Supreme pick / ALCU gets one right / Reaffirming In God We Trust / Christian "terrorist" given asylum / Court says Christians can't require leaders be Christians / The shame of Afghanistan / Middle East Mission Report
NEW JUNE 23, 2010 CHAIRMAN'S REPORT NOW ONLINE- The June 23, 2010 Chairman's Report is now available online. This issue contains: a full report on the June mission trip to the Middle East organized by the Religious Freedom Coalition. Features include visits to the Ortiz family ministry in Ariel, Samaria and their bombed apartment; Visits to school and ministry supported in the "West Bank;" the ministries and summer camp supported in Jordan, and other important updates. Click here for PDF version
OBAMA OK WITH SAUDI HATE CRIMES - This week Barack Obama meets with the Saudi royalty in Washington, and they will receive royal treatment from the White House despite the fact that the Kingdom distributes books filled with hatred and despicable anti-democratic lies throughout the world. In a recent column Nina Shea of the Hudson Institute wrote: "Saudi textbooks teach, along with many other noxious lessons, that Jews and Christians are "enemies," and they dogmatically instruct that various groups of "unbelievers" - apostates (which includes Muslim moderates who reject Saudi Wahhabi doctrine), polytheists (which includes Shiites), and Jews - should be killed. Under the Saudi Education Ministry's method of rote learning, these teachings amount to indoctrination, starting in first grade and continuing through high school, where militant jihad on behalf of "truth" is taught as a sacred duty. These textbooks are used not only in Saudi Arabia but in Saudi-funded schools around the world." Read full article
OBAMA'S "MODERATE" SUPREME PICK - As Dean of Harvard Law School, Elena Kagan demanded that Blue-Cross - Blue-Shield cover sex-change operations as an "equal right." She also agreed to the Lambda Transgender Task Force demand to force women to share bathrooms and locker-rooms with cross-dressing men. While promoting the homosexual agenda, "moderate" Kagan also supported a multi-million dollar donation from Saudi Arabia to promote Sharia law at Harvard. She apparently sees no contradiction in these positions, even though homosexuals are hung in Saudi Arabia under Sharia law. Kagan claims to be a Jew, but she is a secularist who just hates Christianity. Since both Sharia law and homosexuality are contrary to the Bible, she supports both. Kagan will be confirmed by the Senate and become the most radical Justice on the Supreme Court ever.
ACLU ON THE RIGHT SIDE? - The so called "Disclose Act" passed recently by the House, allegedly to "reform" political campaigns, is the most undemocratic bill ever passed by Congress and is so unconstitutional that even the ACLU is against it. The Disclose Act prohibits the Religious Freedom Coalition, and all other non-profits with a membership of less than one million from publishing comments on candidates for public office up to four months before an election. Why were large organizations allowed to do what the rest of us can't? It's because the far left wing Moveon.org has over one million members, while all conservative groups except the NRA have less than one million. Liberal AARP can comment on candidates, but conservative 60 Plus cannot. Under the proposed law, beginning today, July 2nd, this Religious Freedom Coalition Update would be prohibited from mentioning the pro-abortion views of Senator Harry Reid, for example. (Note that the bill has not yet passed the Senate.) Read the ACLU letter here.
REAFFIRMING IN GOD WE TRUST - ''In God We Trust'' is the official motto of the United States. Congressman Randy Forbes (R-VA) introduced H.Con.Res.274, not only to reaffirm the national motto, but to call on America to trust God once again. The Democrat controlled House has referred the resolution to the Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties. The resolution has 72 cosponsors, most of whom are in the Prayer Caucus. Please contact your congressman about H.Con.Res.274.
CHRISTIAN "TERRORIST" GIVEN ASYLUM - This was the strangest immigration case I have seen in some thirty years of working on religious freedom issues. THE FACTS: A young man, born into a high ranking Islamic terrorist family, converted to Christianity and worked undercover for Israeli intelligence to stop terror attacks against Israel and the United States, then sought asylum here. The Obama Administration tagged him as a "terrorist sympathizer" and ordered his deportation to the West Bank where he would, of course, be immediately murdered. Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-CO organized a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano signed by 22 House members urging her to grant asylum to Mosab Hassan Yousef. Israel sent Mr. Yousef's Shin Bet handler, Gonen Ben-Itzhak, to San Diego to testify on behalf of his former agent, but by the time the hearing started this week the Obama Administration realized the publicity was so damning that the Immigration Judge granted Yousef asylum with no witnesses called. But the question remains: Why did the Obama Administration want to send this young hero who had stopped numerous terrorist attacks against Israelis and Americans to his death? Yousef's book, Son of Hamas details his conversion to Christianity. Jerusalem Post version of story is interesting.
SUPREMES: CHRISTIAN GROUPS CAN'T DEMAND CHRISTIAN LEADERS - This week the Supreme Court by a 5-4 vote held that recognized student groups at universities do not have a right to choose members and leaders who adhere to their core beliefs. The Court stated that public universities can require student groups to accept any student as a member or leader regardless of that person's beliefs. Christian groups must accept atheist members and Jewish groups must accept Muslim members, according to the Court. Read more
THE SHAME OF AFGHANISTAN - At the order of Afghan president Karzai, more than 20 Afghan Christians have been arrested. The arrests were made after Abdul Sattar Khawasi, a deputy of the lower house, demanded that Muslim converts to Christianity be executed. He was outraged over an Afghan TV report showing men reciting Christian prayers and being baptized. There are almost 100,000 NATO troops fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan; however, the government we put in power there is just as intolerant of religious freedom as the Taliban. Read report
MIDDLE EAST MISSION REPORT - The current Chairman's Report contains information on the Religious Freedom Coalition's June mission trip to the Middle East. Click here to read.
BOOKS AND GIFTS FROM A CHRISTIAN STORE- Books and other items with Christian themes are available at WWW.RFCSTORE.COM This is our Christian Internet store, and sales assist our cause financially. We are not as cheap as Amazon, but then, we don't sell porn or occult materials! |
phone: 202.742.8990
William J. Murray, Chairman Religious Freedom Coalition, PO Box 77511, Washington, DC 20013 - (202) 742.8990 This publication is a service of the Religious Freedom Coalition (RFC). Links to political and other sites are for informational purposes and do not constitute endorsement. No statement is intended to assist or defeat any candidate running for public office. Religious Freedom Coalition * Copyright - 2010 | | |
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