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Week Ending April 25, 2008 - Washington, DC
April 25, 2008 7:21AM EST
April 25, 2008 |
Week Ending April 25, 2008 - Washington, DC
Spectacular fall of the U. S. dollar / Some Christian families now added to terrorist list themselves because they paid ransoms to terrorist kidnappers! / Obama: His Marxist friends couldn't be hidden forever / A trial lawyer's dream and a business owner's nightmare / How Nancy Pelosi killed student loan program / More on human - animal hybrids / Senate clock stops Mother's Day gifts - maybe a watch?
NEW APRIL CHAIRMAN'S REPORTS AVAILABLE - The April, 2008 Chairman's Report from William J. Murray is now available online in PDF version. The Chairman's Report contains some material not seen in these updates. Click here to view.
BUSH AND THE U. S. DOLLAR- Because of the total inaction of our government to stem the collapse of the dollar on world markets, other members of the G-7 plan on intervening next week by moving to save our currency. The last currency the G-7 took action to save was the Mexican peso. How bad is the situation? If the dollar had remained at the same value relative to the Euro that it was at the beginning of the Bush Administration, the cost of oil would now be $57 a barrel and gasoline would cost about $1.50 a gallon.
BUSH ADMINISTRATION PUNISHES THOSE WHO PAY RANSOM Last week I reported on some Christian families that have been refused admission to the United States because they "aided terrorists" by paying ransom to get their kidnapped loved ones back. These families have actually been added to terrorist lists by our government. There has been no official White House response to my objections as yet. Click here for story by Ken Timmerman.
CLINTON WINS - Why can't Barack Obama "close the deal? With the help of the media, Obama raced ahead of Clinton and at one point won ten states in a row. Suddenly he has stalled and Hillary Clinton has won three big states in a row. For months the media hid Barack Obama's slimy anti-American friends, including terrorists. As the word gets out about his true beliefs and Marxist connections, his credibility and electability are coming into question.
NO STUDENT LOAN? THANK NANCY PELOSI - One of the first acts of the Pelosi controlled Congress after their takeover of the House was to restrict the amount of interest banks and other institutions were allowed to charge on student loans. The idea was to "help" students. At the rates that were set, banks lost money on every loan which they were willing to do. This continued for a while - until the banking collapse this year. Now most banks have withdrawn from student loan programs. Pelosi's big fix for this mess she caused is to have taxpayers cover the loss of the banks, so they will begin loaning money to students again. More information in the Wall Street.
SENATE STOPS FOR OBAMA AND CLINTON - On Wednesday of this week Democrat Senator Harry Reid, who controls the Senate schedule, refused to open the Senate until 6:00 PM to allow Senators Clinton and Obama to get back to Washington to vote on a bill that trial lawyers want to pass. The Ledbetter Fair Pay Act would eliminate any statutory waiting periods to file law suits on wage claims due to gender or "other" reasons. Currently a claim must be made within three years of the alleged discrimination. The Ledbetter Bill passed the House last year. This Democrat bill would allow someone to say they were discriminated against back in World War II and want 60 years of back pay. A trial lawyer's dream come true!
HUMAN ANIMAL HYBRIDS - More pressure is needed to stop the creation of human - animal hybrids. I first reported on this story last week. Several US Senators, including presidential candidate John McCain, have introduced the Human-Animal Hybrid Prohibition Act of 2007 (S-2358) which would make it unlawful for any person to knowingly (1) create or attempt to create a human-animal hybrid; (2) transfer or attempt to transfer a human embryo into a non-human womb; (3) transfer or attempt to transfer a non-human embryo into a human womb; or (4) transport or receive for any purpose a human-animal hybrid. Contact your Senator and ask him to support S-2358
A MOTHER'S DAY WATCH? - Our online store has a new line of Christian watches including one with a pink, heart shaped design and the words "Time for God." These everyday, everywhere watches sport a very clean look and are very popular, whether for business or leisure. There are 40 other Christian watches to choose from. What great Mother's Day gifts! Click here or on image for more information.
NEW APRIL CHAIRMAN'S REPORTS AVAILABLE - The April, 2008 Chairman's Report from William J. Murray is now available online in PDF version. The Chairman's Report contains some material not seen in these updates. Click here to view.
OUT OF THE COUNTRY - I am currently outside the United States and my access to some materials is limited. As a result this week's and next week's Legislative Updates may be limited in scope.
CHRISTIAN INTERNET STORE - There are literally tens of thousands of Christian theme items available at our affiliate store including jewelry from the Holy Land. It is a great place to shop for gifts. The store is located at Please help us with our various projects on Capitol Hill and in the Holy Land by shopping at our affiliate Christian Superstore . Contributions to the work of the Religious Freedom Coalition can be made at |
phone: 202.742.8990
William J. Murray, Chairman Religious Freedom Coalition, PO Box 77511, Washington, DC 20013 - (202) 742.8990 This publication is a service of the Religious Freedom Coalition (RFC). Links to political and other sites are for informational purposes and do not constitute endorsement. No statement is intended to assist or defeat any candidate running for public office. Religious Freedom Coalition * Copyright - 2007 | | |
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