Week Ending July 9, 2004
Religious Freedom Coalition
July 9, 2004 8:06PM EST
Debate on the Marriage Protection Amendment began this morning at 9:30 AM. At 10:00 AM various organizations in the pro-marriage movement delivered more than 1.4 million petitions to the Senate in support of traditional marriage between one man and one woman. Marriage will top the agenda of the Senate next week as heavy hitters come to Washington, DC to lobby the Senate on behalf of traditional values and traditional marriage between one man and one woman. Leaders such as Dr. James Dobson, Dr. Jerry Falwell and Dr. Richard Land will fly in to lobby on behalf of the Marriage Protection Amendment, otherwise known as the Federal Marriage Amendment. (I will not have to fly in, as my office is already in Washington, DC.) I will meet personally with several Senators next Tuesday just before the expected vote on Wednesday morning. If you have an interest in traditional marriage you may want to contact one or more of the Senators who are considered to be "on the fence." For the "on the fence" list click here. In a procedural maneuver to move the bill to the floor of the Senate on Wednesday, it has now been designated as S.J. Res 40. In talking to Senators you should now refer to that number for the Marriage Protection Amendment. The big question is how Senators Kerry and Edwards will vote. In 1996 Senator John Kerry was one of only 14 Senators to vote against the Defense of Marriage Act which was signed into law by then President Bill Clinton. John Edwards, the Democrat candidate for President was not in the Senate at the time.
Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) has made it clear that he plans to push for traditional marriage in the House. Yesterday he announced that he would move the Marriage Protection Act onto the floor for a vote in September. Meanwhile he plans to hold a vote before the August recess on the "Super" DOMA proposed by Congressman John Hostettler (R-IN). Majority Leader DeLay sees a vote on the jurisdiction bill as a precursor to a vote on the actual Marriage Protection Amendment itself. I have strongly supported Congressman Hostettler's bill as at the least a stopgap action which would stop federal courts from redefining marriage. Click here to see Washington Times article on DeLay and Hostettler.
Individuals close to President George W. Bush have been re-releasing statements he has made on the subject of same-sex marriage. The President is making clear in his "stump speech" that he supports a Marriage Protection Amendment to the Constitution defining marriage as being between one man and one woman. The issue favors President George W. Bush in key battleground states. The battleground state of Michigan is a major prize that Al Gore won four years ago. In that state supporters of traditional marriage turned in 475,000 signatures, far more than the 317,000 needed to put a state constitutional amendment on the ballot in November. The hundreds of thousands of supporters of traditional marriage going to the polls to vote for a state Marriage Protection Amendment will probably vote for George W. Bush. This one state could mean defeat for Senator John Kerry. In Oregon double the number of signatures were handed in for a state Constitutional Amendment there. See Story
The past eight or ten years have seen a great decline in political activism in predominately white conservative churches. In 2000 George W. Bush almost lost the election because voters from these churches just did not participate in the election in great numbers. The push this year by homosexuals for same-sex marriage has reinvigorated these churches to political action. This Sunday thousands of churches of all denominations will participate in Marriage Protection Sunday. There is still time for your church to participate in the TV simulcast.
The homosexual group, Human Rights Campaign (HRC), ran a full page ad in Roll Call pointing out that four of the prime time speakers at the Republican Convention oppose the Marriage Amendment. The ad featured photos of Schwarzenegger, McCain, Pataki and Giuliani. At their Internet site the HRC has a list of 122 organizations opposed to the Marriage Amendment; these are groups that support same-sex marriage. The groups include most labor unions, the Presbyterian Church (USA) and liberal non-profits such as the YWCA. You may very well pay dues or membership fees to one of these pro-homosexual organizations. See list.
A Swedish pastor has been sentenced to one month in jail for preaching in a sermon that homosexuality is a sin. See WAND article. For many years I have been fighting against "hate crimes" legislation in the United States which I refer to as "thought crimes" legislation and this is why. The pastor was jailed for preaching what the Word of God says is true. The jailing of the preacher has wide spread support in Sweden where the public believes that laws against people being "offended" take precedence over free speech. I reported in my June 18th Update that a bill similar to that in Sweden had passed the Senate by a vote of 65 to 33, with many cowardly Republicans voting for the Democrat legislation to ban free speech if it offends homosexuals. Make no mistake ... if these thought crimes laws go into effect pastors will be jailed in this nation for preaching the uncensored Word of God. Pray that this kind of hate filled, anti-American, anti-free speech legislation never becomes law.
On Tuesday of this week a special briefing for congressmen and Senators on persecution of Christians in the West Bank was presented by the Religious Freedom Coalition in the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington, DC. The meeting was well attended and Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) spoke at the event on behalf of religious freedom. Our main speaker was Cheryl Hancock, who has worked with persecuted Christians on the West Bank for more than five years. She gave numerous examples of murders of Christians to obtain their property or as revenge because of their conversion from Islam. An Orthodox priest claiming to represent all Christians in the Holy Land, spoke up at the end of the meeting calling Cheryl and myself both liars. He said that any Christians persecuted or murdered in the West Bank were "Jewish collaborators" and claimed that terrorist leader Yassar Arafat provided protection to Christians. (Hmmm). Virtually every world leader rejects Yassar Arafat as nothing more than a thug and a thief, as do I. The Legislative leaders who attended the meeting thanked us for the presentation.
This week Congressman Todd Akin introduced an amendment to the State Department Appropriations bill to block any Global AIDS funding from being given to groups that promote legalization of prostitution and sex trafficking. See link.
The Bush Administration is prepared to send $15 million to the government of Vietnam to fight AIDS. We see a problem with this for several reasons. First, Vietnam has a two-child policy and actively promotes abortion as a means of birth control. Second, because Vietnam is an officially atheistic state, no funds will be used by faith-based organizations which promote responsible sexual behavior. Third, and most important, Vietnam is an oppressive communist society and these funds could be better spent in more democratic nations. The Religious Freedom Coalition and other organizations have prepared a letter to the President asking that the funds not be diverted to Vietnam. (See letter)
Several items are needed for our overseas ministry work. These may seem like odd requests, but we have tens of thousands of subscribers and there is no telling what someone may have and not use, and as a result may be willing to give away. We need: One or more laptop computers with Cyrillic keyboards; laptops with English keyboards that run at least WIN98; working gasoline powered scooters; video projectors; aluminum or hard composite travel cases for video and audio equipment; one 18' to 24' power boat with working engine (cannot draft more than 3'). Please note that contributions are tax deductible, but you must set the value of the item, not us. Contact us at donations@rfcnet.org
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Click here for the new edition of the Chairman's Action Report.
William J. Murray, Chairman
Religious Freedom Coalition , P.O. Box 77511, Washington, DC 20013 Phone: (202) 543-0300
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Please address all comments and questions to support@rfcnet.org.
This publication is a service of the Religious Freedom Coalition (RFC) and does not necessarily reflect its views. It is neither an attempt to aid nor hinder the passage of any specific legislation nor an attempt to assist or defeat any candidate running for public office. Religious Freedom Coalition * Copyright - 2004 Holy Land Soap is once again available for shipment. Fresh handmade soap made in the Holy Land is made from olive oil. The soap is made by Christian Palestinians in the West Bank. This is the ONLY income of the Christian families involved. Two of the men are under death warrants issued by the PLO. The soap is made by the families. For more information on the soap, its cost and how we obtain it from the families in the West Bank click here or on the image.
Religious Freedom Coalition P.O. Box 77511 Washington, DC 20013 General Correspondence: support@rfcnet.org Special Events: events@rfcnet.org | DC Advocacy Office: (202) 543-0300 Administration: (202) 742-8990 |