November 18, 1998

 The Honorable Bob Livingston
United States House of Representatives
Rayburn Office Building #2406
Washington, DC 20215

Dear Congressman Livingston:

Congratulations on your victory. On Behalf of the constituents of the Religious Freedom Coalition I look forward to working with you in the next Congress.

As Speaker you have a tremendous impact on the agenda to be set. It is the hope and the prayer of many conservative family groups that you will carry forth legislation in the 106th which was passed by the House in the 105th and then abandoned to the will of the Democrat president.

The Values Action Team chaired by Joe Pitts (R-PA) pressed a great victory in passage of parental notification in Title X. We are eager to work with you for the passage of this amendment again in the House.

We also believe the partial birth abortion ban should once again be addressed. There is also the issue of unsolicited pornographic E-mail. Once again we are also prepared to carry forward the banner for the Religious Freedom Amendment which would allow children to pray in school voluntarily and protect the religious heritage of the nation.

The Religious Freedom Amendment would also have permitted school vouchers. Since the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of a voucher system in Wisconsin the time may have come for national legislation to break the monopoly of public education.

I stand ready to assist you with a conservative agenda, please do not hesitate to call upon me.


William J. Murray