PRESS RELEASE March 13, 2000, Washington, DC

William Murray to Urge Passage of School Prayer Bill

One of the major lawsuits to remove prayer from America’s public schools is titled, "Murray vs. Curlett". The "Murray" in that case is William J. Murray, who in 1960, was the fourteen year old son of atheist leader Madalyn Murray O’Hair. The lawsuit was filed in Baltimore where the young Murray attended school.

On March 14, 2000 at 1:00 p.m. William J. Murray will testify on behalf of Maryland House Bill 832 which would once again allow "...student-delivered, voluntary messages or prayers..." during school sponsored events. The hearings are before the Ways and Means Committee. The main sponsor of Maryland House Bill 832 is Delegate Anthony J. O’Donnell. Delegate O’Donnell can be reached at: (410) 841-3314.

William J. Murray is currently the chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition, a Washington, DC based organization which backed the Religious Freedom Amendment to the U.S. Constitution introduced by Congressman Ernest Istook (R-OK).

For copies of Mr. Murray’s testimony or to arrange interviews please call:

Shannan Burke
(202) 543-0300


Religious Freedom Coalition
717 2nd Street NE, Suite 100
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 543-0300 Fax (202) 543-8447