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Votenet.com Award for Outstanding Political Website


January 23, 2001

Mr. Stephen M. Case
America On-Line
22000 AOL Way
Dulles, VA 20166

Dear Mr. Case:

You have the power to stop the vicious attacks on President Bush’s twin daughters planned by the perverts at Comedy Central. These young girls are not "hot lesbian lovers," and have done nothing to deserve having their lives ruined. Program producers Matt Stone and Trey Parker have to be stopped dead in their tracks.

Sir, you can make one call to stop this cruelty. Your phone call to Larry Divney at Comedy Central stating that AOL and Time/Warner Cable interests will not allow the transmission on cable of "That’s My Bush" will effectively put an end to this perverted and twisted program.

If this kind of material is allowed on television at all, it should be in a place where people expect to see obscenity and vulgarity, like the Playboy Channel. It should not be on a cable network that does its best to attract adolescents and children.

Please make the call!


William J. Murray

Cc: Larry Divney
Comedy Central
1775 Broadway
New York, NY 10019